Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Disclaimer: Reading is all about discovery, but this Book Review does not shy away from spoiling specific scenes as this is more of a look inside the good and bad of a book.
The Analysis:
I’d classify this one as soft science fiction, but I think most sci-fi romances in this genre style would fall under that heading. This book came to me as a recommendation in a reading Facebook group and I was drawn to the cover.
Here’s the Blurb:
Be careful what you wish for.
Escape had been their only drive, and even death was preferable to the alternative. But they never thought their flight for freedom would put them in an uncharted system. Forced to interact with an isolated world and its inferior, albeit curious people. When it affords them an unforeseen and unprecedented opportunity to take back their world from those who seek to destroy them, however, Aderus begins to wonder if it wasn't fate. Earth's proposal is shocking and uncomfortable for a fierce, independent race that relishes in its solitude. But the more he learns of humans, the more he comes to admire and respect them. One, in particular.
I love this cover. It is an illustration and normally my mind says, just say no, but I surprisingly like this. It also helped me visually one of the main characters better.
Now The Story:
Book Info:
Pages: 212
Author: J.M. Link
Available: Amazon
Humanity has finally had contact with extraterrestrial life forms and they need help. It's pretty much the premise of the entire story.
Our heroine is a doctor with the military. Her and a few commanders are tasked with meeting with the aliens and assessing if they come in peace or war. And if it is peace, how to maintain it. It turns out there ship was damaged beyond repair during a fight with another alien race. Landing our aliens on Earth with no choice, but to seek out help from the humans. The Aliens don't trust the humans and vice versa. It's a reluctant partnership.
Enter our heroine, she's a doctor, that's called when they notice head Alien is wounded. After the first part of negotiations has ended between the two factions, the Alien gets up to return to his ship. The doctor "white girl trips" into his arms. I just remember thinking if this starts an international incident, I'm not reading any further. But she apologies profusely. No bullets go flying, when it could have easily been really bad, and she proves her worth by asking the Aliens if she could help with his wound.
Right away, they are learning about each others differences. From their touch, to the way they communicate, and heal from wounds. The author did a great job distinguishing aliens from human. Outside of just looks.
The Alien appreciates the heroines ease and understanding so much that he asks her to be the Ambassador, or go between, for the two parties. This requires them to work together. There are many misunderstandings, but they begin to trust each other. The personal relationship develops so naturally over the course of the book that you don't realize, oh there's chemistry here, until half way through it, and you're rooting for them.
And then here come the steamy scenes and they do not disappoint.
The heroine can get kind of annoying. She says she wants to except the Alien as he is. Yet, she keeps trying to fit him into the human mold of boyfriend material. Its a small annoyance and doesn't take away from the story. You still root for both of them to make it work. And by the end it seems like it just might.
If I were exposing a man to science fiction romance for the first time, I wouldn't point them in the direction of Ruby Dixon. Even though, she is credited with popularizing the genre. I would tell a male reader to try Reading Askara, first. I think its the perfect blend of soft science, genuine plot, and yes sex scenes.
This book answers the questions of how a human might fall for an alien, honestly, with no insta-love or unbelievable situations.
This couples story extends into part two.
Story At A Glance:
Recommendation:Β 5 out of 5
Read Series Continuation:Β Yes
The Ratings:
Book Cover Appeal:
Story & Narration:
Character/(s) Personality:
[…] follow on BookTube has recommended this book a time or two. I pretty much ignored it until I read, Saving Askara. Then I needed another alien fix and decided to try out the OG. The Blurbs for all these books are […]