Genre: Interracial Contemporary Romance
Disclaimer: Reading is all about exploring new worlds, but this Book Review does not shy away from spoiling specific scenes as this is more of a look inside the good and bad of a book.
The Analysis:
This was a recommendation through a Booktuber that I follow. The woman in question was doing one of those, what should I read videos and this was one of the recommendations. So, let’s book review it. But first follow me on Goodreads.
Here’s the Blurb:
You don’t know me at all, but I’m the love of your life.
My name is Kim Dailey and as of just about five minutes ago, you and I are in a very serious committed, relationship.Hot and heavy of course because well, let’s face it, I hear you have a twelve pack under those scrubs and I’m basically a doppleganger for the star of Scandal. (I’m sure you’ve seen it. If not, the internet is your friend.)
Anyway, here’s the real story.
I’m celebrating my birthday in Pete’s Bar tonight. Lo and behold, Tammy, AKA old high school mean girl, walks up to me to say hello and tries to one-up me. She even made fun of my Happy Planner stickers!
Anyway, I may have told her that I was seriously dating the most up and coming, and attractive pediatric oncologist this side of the Rocky Mountains (that's you by the way) and that we are shopping for the perfect ring. That seemed to shut her up.
So yeah. That happened.
She deserved it, I swear.
If you’re a decent man, and I hear you are, maybe you’ll just let that little white lie slide if she brings it up during the Seattle CARES Charity Event. Oh, and if you need an out for bringing a date, I told her I might not be able to make her event. That’s a lie too of course. I’m more than available if you need a date, but I’ll hold to that little fib just for you if you need me to. You’re welcome.
[Su_quote] [one_half]
This is a cute photo. It genuinely looks like they are a couple, not just models. The background photo is appropriate as well as they end up vacationing in greece in the story.
Now The Story:
Book Info:
Pages: 330
Author: Susan Renee
Available: Amazon
The blurb to this story is my worst nightmare lol. Thankfully the vlogger broke down the story in an interesting way for me. It's the heroine's birthday and she is drinking it up as she should lol. She has her friends with her and she's ready to have the time of her life. This includes some girl talk about crushes and everyone has one for the new hot doc in town. But before she can find her own hotty McHotterson, her rival from high school comes over by chance to ruin her night.
Spoiled, rich girl type that lives off the tears of the poor. Anyway, she's throwing in all the side comments and showing off her new car by her equally successful husband. During the entire thing not one friend says anything. No they really didn't know the woman. However, real friends throw shade lol. At least enough to get the piranha to back down and get away from the table. As it stands our heroine ends up walking herself into some trouble when she tells b**** of the year that she's dating the top doc and might attend a charity event with him. But much respect because even though shes hella drunk, she writes an email and tells hot doc what just went down. The letter is funny, endearing, and kinda sweet.
On the other side of town, hot doc can't get a date because he works too much. His well meaning parents want to see him happy and settled down. So he two gets himself into word trouble by telling them that he has a girlfriend and their living together. So, when he gets the email, talk about a save.
Now one of the things the letter mentions or she mentions (maybe both) is that she looks like Kerry Washington. Now, all I could think about is that the chances of Kerry Washington playing this character in a movie is slim to none. Not because this book has no chances of being a movie, I'd never make such stipulations. But because the actress herself hasn't been in a contemporary romance movie since her career first started. She's always choosing projects with strong-willed women who are extremely damaged. Is she pretty, of course, but I couldn't see her as this character. Now combined with the cover, I kept imagining her (now, don't laugh) as that black woman that won the lottery a few years back. The won that was sued by her church pastor. I know, I know, I have no idea why my mind went that route.
But back to the review. I love the fact that smooched is not revealed to mean just kiss. She's talking to her girlfriend's and she makes it clear that she wants the full enchilada. She wont be picky or choosy because she's down for anything on her birthday lol. She comes across as really real and fun.
The book is an easy read and you will fly through it, quickly. Their chemistry is undeniable. It's not hard to root for their success. And the book may look sweet and innocent, but it contains many smexy times.
But the first time the hero reveals himself to be badass is at the charity dinner. The heroine is getting accosted by high school enemy number one who's waiting in the wings for her to fall on her face. But nope. My girl is firmly putting her in her place. No white knight necessary. However, he does pick up on what's going down and swoops in for the kill. Turns out he used to date enemey number ones best friend. He lets it be known that she was just a waste of space. And the heroine is the only person he wants to put his hands all over. However, if she needs something they will be sitting with his parents the people responsible for the charity dinner. Recap doesn't do it full justice because his read, burned lol.
Meanwhile, when they are alone they've taken to calling each other, love of my life. It's an inside joke because she writes those words during her drunken email. However, joke or no joke, its hitting me right in the feels. Like get these two crazy kids together already.

Now, the dress the heroine has on could kill. She's looking good enough to eat. The hero's not sure if he wasn'ts to keep this platonic fake dating thing going. He might just rather go swimming in her lake. Except, he's a gentleman and he's not about to make her uncomfortable. He's masturbating in the shower, calling her name, when she accidentally overhears him. She like, nope, he not the only one hot and bothered. The suit he had on was hugging all the right places. Yet, she's like I'm not gone burst in and act like a crazy person. She asks him about it when he comes out and the smexy times are on.
The author actually writes a consent scene that I found pretty sexy. I thought it was the heroine that ruined it by cutting through it quickly and saying get over here big guy (something to that effect). But I was more like let him beg a bit lol.
Their sex scene wasn't typical either as it contained a little bit of humor. The heroine suffered from vomit word fever and brought up dolphins out of what I assumed to be nerves. From that moment on, the hero kept calling her Flipper. This made me laugh, just imagining people asking him why he calls her flipper.
Of course, she had to share it all with her besties the morning after and these secondary characters didn't disappoint. There are a lot of inside jokes that would probably be better understood by reading book 1. But for the most part, these people are funny and supportive, and it makes you wish that you could hang out with them in real life too.
We also get to see both the heroine and the hero in there element at work. The hero is dealing with heavy issues dealing with children who have contracted cancer. However, the heroine, works in the gynecological office. She gets the occassional rough day in the form of miscarriages. But nothing delievers the laughs like a woman coming in who doesn't know how she got pregnant because her husband is in the military. Yeah, she cheating, but its still impossible. This scene was hilarious. What's not funny is that people like that exist in real life lol.
But as our two characters grow to get to know each other thanks to the forced proximity trope its clear that the heroine is pining for him. It hits you in the feels.
The heroine wasn't the only one who came with a support system behind him. The hero had a very funny best friend. Usually, the day after boy talk is disgusting and degrading. However, I genuinely found this guy funny. I also didn't find it too offensive, and the hero kept it classy enough. (Something tells me tho, my opinion might change the longer I sit with it.)
At one point in the story there is so much happiness that I'm waiting with baited breath for the other shoe to drop. I'm thinking, what is going to happen to my love birds. Then the shoe drops.
The hero tells the heroine during a date that he doesn't want kids. This scene happens so fast, I'm waiting for it come back up and it doesn't for several chapters. There are three major deal breakers in relationships: religion, children, and money. One sentence; this should have been several paragraphs. The heroine should have made it more clear whether she was okay with it or not. How long was she going to continue to be okay with it? Is it okay now, but later be a problem? For the most part the heroine shrugged it off like he just said he hated burgers and went about her business.
But we get more scenes of the couple just being cute together. Then the hammer drops that the heroine is pregnant. She tells her supportive friends first, who kinda help her figure it out. They give her some sage advice, but she's ultimately worried about the future of her relationship. But our girl is honest. She goes home later that day and finds him cooking in the kitchen. He wants to tell her that his feelings aren't fake either and he genuinely loves her. But before they can get to the lovey dovey part, she tells him the truth about her pregnancy status.
He blows up. He accuses her of getting pregnant on purpose. He's wondering if she lied about being on birth control. But he's especially reminding her that he does't want kids. His dream boat status drops by one point, instantly. Of course, he also storms out. Only to end up at his besties house ranting and raving. He got the nerve to say that he would never go off to bad on his bestie because of all the things that man has done for him. I'm thinking, but sir, hollering at a pregnant woman is okay.

After he calms down, he's better able to explain what caused such strong emotions. He deals with pediatric cancer patients and he's worried about a child of his going through the unthinkable. He's worried about getting hurt and a pleathora of other things. All valid I might add. However, I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. This is where I need a little more fantasy with my realism. I'm just sick of men dogging women that get pregnant. I would have loved any scene, but the one I read. I'm not upset that he left. It was the burns he left behind on her heart that bother me. Pregnancy is a big deal and some people may need time to sit with it. But just say that, give me some time alone to think. Don't say, you trappin' me and got pregnant on purpose.
Her friends were true blue tho. They rallied as soon as she called like she had sent out the bat signal. I could see how reading their stories in the series could be fun. They also confronted him on her behalf and said, I'mma need you to come correct with my girl. Loved them. But at this point, he was already coming around because his bestie had talked some sense back into him.
They meet again at this community garden where they shared some good memories. He apologizes and then proposes. Its all very realistic. I would've preferred some fantasy. After you acted like an every day jerk, I need him to come with a spontaneous ring that he brought weeks ago, and I need to see a parade float by the garden with the words I'm sorry, I'm an ass on the side lol. I was just not here for the realistic ending lol. Just plain talking the problems out with no grand gesture.
However, I do want to see a palm reader in Greece now lol. The ending explains how the palm readers predictions came true for them. Also, ps, the girl had the lovelist in-laws, talk about a dream.
Story At A Glance:
Recommendation: 4 out of 5
Read Series Continuation: Yes
The Ratings:
Book Cover Appeal:
Story & Narration:
Character/(s) Personality: