Genre: Contemporary Romance
The Analysis:
The heroine is called Suzy and she’s blond. Talk about eye roll inducing. But I know what you’re thinking, she’s going to hate this one, but I didn’t.ย Throttle Me by Chelle Bliss, let’s book review it.
Heres the Blurb:
City gave up on love when his heart was crushed in college, preferring to be the typical bachelor. He spends his nights hopping from one bed to another and his days working at his family tattoo shop, Inked.
A chance encounter on a dark road makes him question what he had sworn off forever – a relationship.
A night of passion and lust causes them to question everything. Is City the knight in shining armor to the damsel in distress? Can their relationship survive when a fantasy falls apart and a secret comes out that changes everything?
Now The Story:
Book Info:
Pages: 282
Author: Chelle Bliss
Available: On Amazon
When I found out that Suzy was only a nickname I was as shocked as the hero. And I loved her real name much better.ย
This pair started off hot and adorable and I was in love. I was even disappointed when she decided that her one night stand with her hunk of a man should stay that way. Especially when he was so sweet and actually wanted a second date.
But I get it, the book would be over if they got together right away.
Overall, Suzy was a little judgmental and at times it was grating, but City taught her the error of her ways. They were yin and yang. It was a joy to read.ย
If I had any cons, and I might regret saying this, but it lacked heart. Maybe i’ve been reading too many angsty books lately. But nothing made me want to cry or clutch my pearls in disgust. They just slowly fell in love and it was perfect. And that in itself is its own perfection.
Its definitely an inbetween* novel.
inBetween Novel – A book you read after ending an epic and/or angsty tale that has your emotions in knots. The inBetween novel reminds you that all is right with the world and indeed simple. Giving your emotions time to adjust before going back to another epic or angsty tale.
Story At A Glance:
Recommendation:ย Yes
The Ratings:
Book Cover Appeal:
Story & Narration:
Sex Scenes: