Welcome to TRS Books-Faith, Flaws, and Fiction
Discover Stories That Inspire, Challenge, and Captivate!
Discover a world of stories where faith takes center stage, woven into narratives that challenge, inspire, and captivate. At TRS Books, we believe in the power of storytelling to reflect God’s boundless grace and creativity. Our authors are passionate about crafting authentic tales that showcase the impact of faith in real-world challenges and even in supernatural realms.
Through our newsletter, you’ll get exclusive access to behind-the-scenes insights, updates on upcoming releases, and sneak peeks into the lives of our authors. whether you’re seeking heartfelt Christian romance or bold, genre-defying tales with a spiritual core, there’s something here for every reader.
Free or not, these books are written for sinners, for those walking through life’s struggles and seeking solace. Too often, Christians can judge harshly what’s meant to save, forgetting that grace meets us in our flaws. We aim to share stories that show God’s love in the messiest, most human moments through this newsletter.
We’re thrilled to offer free reads as a way to introduce ourselves to you and the broader reader community. These gifts aren’t just about connection-they’re about feeding souls and sharing the love of Christ without expecting anything in return.
Whether free or paid, these books aren’t written for saints-they’re for sinners, for those walking through life’s struggles and seeking redemption. Too often, Christians can judge harshly what’s meant to save, forgetting that grace meets us in our flaws. we aim to share stories that show God’s love in the messiest most human moments.
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Your next great faith-filled story awaits. Let’s start the adventure together!
Meet our diverse roster of authors, each with a unique voice and mission:

Patience Colby: Unapologetically authentic, her heartfelt Christian romances explore love, redemption, and the beauty of imperfection.

Patrina Bowe: Blending faith and fantasy, her paranormal romances shine a light on God’s power in the most unexpected places.

Paige Lynn Hill: She appreciates everyone that invested in her work, and continues to find these books. However, she will not maintain an author newsletter as no future books are forthcoming.
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