Available now through my newsletter! Smitten, is a standalone, 80s dance novel. Here's an excerpt to wet your whistle. 📔📔📔📔 Chapter One: Years Later “Everyone is scared and freaking out over this new health scare, Aids, but take it from DJ Dipper. We’re all still Alive and Kicking. So here’s a tubular song of the same name from Simple Minds.” Jay abandoned the key in the doorknob and stormed ... VIEW POST
Excerpt for Smitten
Book Review of Fashionably Dead
Genre: Urban Fantasy The Analysis: This sat in my kindle awhile before I got to it. It was definitely worth the wait. Should have read it sooner. Fashionably Dead by Robyn Peterman, lets book review it. Heres the Blurb: [one_half] [/one_half]I absolutely hate cartoons/graphics for book covers. Unless its a graphic novel. Which is why you will never see it as ... VIEW POST
Smitten Is Available For Download!
Smitten is the Ultimate Dance of Love Book Summary: She's hung up her dance shoes, forgotten some of the steps, and every day she passes the dance studio she walks across the street. But Cecilia's marriage is crumbling, and she knows that any chances of saving it are out on that dance floor. She knew there was a chance that her husband would be angry. But she couldn't help, but imagine the ... VIEW POST
Book Review of Piano Girl
Genre: Historical Fiction/Christian Fiction The Analysis: This book comes up often on one of the reader recommendation services I use. Plus, I'm in love with the cover and its right up my alley with the types of books I liked to read in the Historical Fiction arena with the princess/pauper theme. So I was certainly looking forward to it. Piano girl by Sherry Schoenborn ... VIEW POST
Book Review of Hill of Secrets
Genre: Mystery The Analysis*: *If you’re religiously sensitive don’t read it. So I purchased this book awhile ago and can’t immediately remember what it was that attracted me to it. But it was a mystery/suspense that incorporates religion, specifically the Israeli Jewish faith. So I was certainly intrigued. Hill of Secrets by Michal Hartstein, lets book review ... VIEW POST
The Meaning of T.R.S. in 500 Words
The Right Story (T.R.S.) is waiting on you. --Patricia Hoving From day one the name of Patricia Hoving's publishing company has been TRS BOOKS. At one point a few people expressed confusion over what the TRS stands for. This brief article aims to clear up what TRS means in less than 500 words. It's an anagram for the words, THE RIGHT STORY, as mentioned on the homepage of the official website. ... VIEW POST