Genre: Historical Fiction The Analysis: Didn't realize until fairly recently how behind I am on my TBR list. The couple on the cover just draw the eye. So this got moved to the front of the line. Chained by Elise Marion, lets review it. Heres the Blurb: I love the cover. The pair is hot. They fit the genre and the storyline perfectly. I am speechless, not a bad word I can say ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Chained
Book Review For House of Guardians
Genre: Paranormal Romance The Analysis: I bought House of Guardians in January of last year. I finally got around to reading it. And because it took so long, I went into it without any prior knowledge of what it was supposed to be about. H.O.G. by Beatrice Sand, lets review it. Heres the Blurb: I like the cover, but I don't love it. By author standards, the shirtless pic betrays a ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Better Than Okay
Genre: Contemporary Romance - African American The Analysis: If you're keeping up then you know the review of, A Real Love 2, led me into a bit of a reading crisis. I was left craving some contemporary romance with black characters. Just a better "book boyfriend". And I didn't have to travel far, Better Than Okay, by Jacinta Howard was already loaded up. Let's Book Review it. Heres ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Sprite
Genre: Social and Family Issues The Analysis: I was kind of floundering after I finished with the comic book as what to read next. Reading a chapter here and there of random books. But this is what won out. Sprite By Peter Meredith lets book review it. Heres the Blurb: [one_half] [/one_half] Its a simple cover, in the frame that it could be much better. ... VIEW POST
Book Review For A Brother’s Bond
Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense The Analysis: This is the first novel I've read of its kind. I'm slowly breaking into the Christian romance genre as a reader. A Brother's Bond By Lee Tobin McClain lets book review it. Heres the Blurb: Its the perfect cover for the story. It hits all the notes of the romantic suspense genre in general. I saw it and had a ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Saga
Genre: Comic Book The Analysis: When I read this comic book, I was just coming off one of those really dense books that have you contemplating life etc. I was more than happy, to pick this up and just be entertained. And it more than did its job. Saga Vol 1, By Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples., lets book review it. Heres the Blurb: [one_half] [/one_half] ... VIEW POST