Genre: Memoir The Analysis: This is the final continuation of the Illegal Critique/Book Review. Check out Part 1 Here. If you're interested in reading Illegal, you can buy it here. [one_half] [/one_half] Dissecting Direct Quotes: September 11th made me into an activist.” At the point that this was stated in the book I still couldn’t understand how. Only a vague sense of what I had heard on ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Illegal Part 2
Book Review For Illegal
Genre: Memoir The Analysis: People like me should never read political commentaries or nonfiction. Because we tend to boil things down to its most common denominator. Thus we see the black and white of the issue. No gray. And I knew just by reading the prologue that I wouldn’t agree with this man. But boy has he led an interesting life! Illegal by John Dennehy, let's book review it ... VIEW POST
Book Review For A Real Love
Genre: Urban Fiction The Analysis: This is the first Urban Fiction novel I’ve read since becoming a writer. It was a huge part of my teenage library, the majority of which I still have. But I had to get back into it since I eventually plan on writing some Urban Fic of my own. A Real Love by Porscha Sterling, lets book review it. Heres the ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Love Corrupted
Genre: Dark Romance/Horror/Thriller The Analysis: So I knew this would be another quick read. You really can’t stop at only one chapter. I found myself on another binge to the end. Love Corrupted by Natalie Bennett, lets book review it. Heres the Blurb: [one_half] [/one_half]This cover is better then the first one. Simply because you can see the woman’s ... VIEW POST
Book Review For Love Obscene
Genre: Dark Romance/Horror The Analysis: Page one had me hooked from the line, I fell for a man with a pitch black soul and a charm so deceptive he could outwit the devil. I just hoped that the love would continue for the entirety of the book. Considering how the last book I read went. Love Obscene by Natalie Bennett, let's book review it. Heres the ... VIEW POST
Book Review For The Scent of Roses
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Erotica The Analysis: As a true continuation of the last story, it stopped mid scene, I was excited to see this story come to some sort of completion. So I jumped right in prepared to read to the end. The Scent Of Roses: A Mafia Romance by Sienna Blake, let's get into it. Heres the Blurb: [one_half] [/one_half]This cover is just as ... VIEW POST